Friday, September 5, 2008



I am a huge fan of HDR photography and processing, but I am still working to improve both my image capture and post-processing skills. Here is an image (actually seven blended photographs) I took in the Pelabuhan (Harbor) Sunda Kelapa, Indonesia. I had posted another version of this scene some weeks ago and my wife wondered if I had a horizontal version that we could print. I often shoot both horizontal and vertical shots of the same subject so had this version. I am still learning to measure/judge the dynamic range of the lighting during a shoot and to bracket exposures well enough to cover the range. The challenge in this particular scene was that the ships were continuously bobbing in the water, which is why you can see some ghosting at the upper edges of the image. Still, I like the image. This may be too saturated in color for some viewers, but that is what I intended in this case.

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